Sunday, October 18, 2009


*Ffoooohhhh* big relieved... So happy that I passed all my subjects for my previous semester.. I hope all the others also got a result in their previous semester..

The first thing I did after I woke up this morning was to on my laptop and check my result.. Actually I was hesitating should I or shouldn't I check result before or after lectures.. But I knew I couldn't wait to get to know my result, so I with my "die ma die" thinking, logged into college intranet and checked...

.... loading ....

*blink blink* I was starring at my own name for few minutes thinking was this really my page? To my surprise, I actually got all different grades for my 4 subjects... I got 1A, 1A-, 1B and 1C.. thank god! *amen*

However, to all my friends, add oil this semester as it is the last. We must put our 120% effort this time. Good luck!!!

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